The recogintion of the State of Palestine: what is the position of Lithuania?
Paskelbta 2011 rugpjūčio mėn. 31 d. | 9 koment.
Lietuvos pozicija
What is going on today in the Middle East – Israeli–Palestinians conflict – is depicting the possible scenario, where the terrorists of the Gaza Strip will be trying to control the schedule of the resolution of the conflict. What will be the role of the Palestine‘s Government? And how Europe and Lithuania are going to react?
Palestine‘s President M.Abbas hopes UN will recognize the State of Palestine already this September. But does this step – the recognition of the state, which is refusing to negotiate with neighbouring state – will solve the conflict? There are no other problem in our days world more complicated then Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During 63 years of the existence of this problem it was consciously twisted with myths, lies, disinformation. We also have not to forget the antithesis of the two religions – Christianity and Islam.
While trying to understand this problem, idealists of any kind shrunken it between the fight of good and evil. Usually this evil is Israel. Israel – the Sodoma and Gomora of the European left wing politics, the joy for all anti-Semites and anti-Zionists. Palestinian authorities from the West Bank decided to cut the Gordian knot with the slogan: “The State of Palestine without negotiating with Israel!” All the problems of the world, and the confrontation between Muslims and Christians will disappear in one second from the earth surface. This is how the new myth is created.
Does the unilateral declaration of the statehood will really solve all the problems? Speaking about the Israeli-Palestinians conflict, if the state of Palestine will be recognized already this September the new problem will change the old one: how many Palestinian States we would have? The answer is: one in the West Bank and another one – in the Gaza Strip. The one, which is under the authority of the terroristic Hamas organization, ready not only to kill Israeli civilians, but also to cruelly murder it’s own homeboys. The total dictatorship, threatening to sweep Israel from the terrene. Only during last week terrorists from the Gaza Strip killed 13 Israeli.
This is not only the rhetoric. Let’s imagine the Šalčininkai region, who would be separated from Lithuania (the dream of V.Tomashevsky?), threatening to destroy Lithuania, even Lithuania would recognize the independence of the region. At the same time the innocent people of Lithuania would be killed. You’re saying, of course “no”, but Europe, UN already requests to recognize the region. Without any negotiations. But let’s get back to Palestine. For influential local force groups and criminals alike, as well as Iran or Syria, the negotiations are unnecessary. Because Europe, USA and Arabian countries continually pump millions of dollars to the Palestinian territories. Otherwise all economy of Palestine would collapse. Why to work, if the money comes for free? The paradise for corruption. Y.Arafat, almost like Moses, lead his own people through the desert, the difference is, that in the end he stole everything from them. I mean financial games, which cost billions of dollars and the life level of Palestinians which did not increased. The result – Israel – the flourishing country, and the Palestinians sitting in the deep hole. Jews used the division of Palestine, and even what they’d got was a real desert, they were able to turn that land into our days Israel.
According to the Middle East expert, professor Barry Ruben: “It’s a real irony that Palestinians are presented all over the world, as the biggest victims in the world. But in the reality they’d became the political group, who is mostly spoiled. For the refusal to negotiate during the years, the terrorism and the intransigence, they are given huge subsidies, not paying attention to their political actions, violence, the incitement of violence, the violation of the agreements and the corruption”.
But let’s not forget the fact, M.Abbas, the President of Palestinians, said the negotiations will continue, even the state of Palestine will be recognized with 1967 borders. He does also mark Israel was recognized as the state in 1948, then dividing the Palestine. So, regarding M.Abbas the same possibility has to be given for the Palestinians.
Someone said, Palestinians are the masters of the mistakes. But is it only? For example, then Israel agreed to suspend the constructions in the questionable territories around Jerusalem, it was done for the 9 month period, in order to revive the negotiations between the sides, but the Palestinian authorities refused to finally negotiate.
They did not sit near the negotiation table for more than two and a half years. Why? Because Palestinians agreed they state might be recognized without any negotiations. Southern America’s countries one after another recognized Palestine. Norway might do it as well. Why not? After all Sweden is not going to destroy Norway? And Norway itself, declaring the unilateral independence from Sweden in 1905, never has heard any threats from Sweden’s side to destroy Norway. Generally Norway is the state in the world, mainly set against Israel. And not only. Most likely it’s over all anti-Jewish. For example Muslims are allowed to slaughter animals according their rituals, but it’s forbidden to do that for Jews. Lecturer from Israel are not allowed to touch themes about Israel. Political and academic leaders bravely step over the boundaries between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Some time ago the Ambassador of Norway declared, that Israel is responsible for the terrorism in the Middle East. How come? First Jew, or thousands of the faithful Jews, according to the order of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem were killed in Palestine, in 1929. Terrorism against Jews was underway before the recognition of Israel and afterwards, even there were no occupied territories.
USA President B.Obama, who was willing to cut the Gordian knot in the begging of his cadency did not receive any support from European States: neither Great Britain, France, Germany, nor Italy supported his ideas.
It’s interesting how our politicians or President is going to proceed? Maybe her decision will be influenced by the Austrian lesson? Official Austria, as we know, guilty itself, blames Lithuania for all uncertainties. There is still a question, does Brussels will stand to the side of Lithuania. We do not see any signs. Our best friend Sweden keeps silent. Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister Calr Bildt told me, he did not received any answer from Austria.
So the same as Palestinians or some European states are always blaming Israel for everything. Even, for example, the Gaza Strip is already in the hands of Palestinians for the 6 years. This is the core of the problem. Only one side is guilty. It’s interesting how other European countries are going to act, to the plea of Israel, asking not to succumb for the Palestinian non-negotiate politics?
I have heard for several times we don’t have to pay attention Palestinians are not controlling their own borders or the air space, they are divided in enclaves. It’s been offered not to pay attention into the definition of the independent state, outlined in the international law acts. It’s been said, of course Israel is the occupant, and it’s clear that Israel won’t let Palestinians to administer all the requirements. The parallels between Lithuania and Russia are being made. Because if UN would have listened to Russia, Lithuania still won’t be independent. This is how people are talking, the ones, who do not understand the assumptions of the problem. The difference is that Israel, defending itself, occupied the territory, but not the state. Palestinian state never existed. And differently, no one, even Russia, could ever doubt Lithuania’s historical statehood.
This kind of premature recognition of the Palestine State (without the bilateral negotiations) will spread the wonderful news to all terrorists of the world: it’s worth to kill the innocent people or to violate the laws. We have to remember that Arabs have one goal from 1948. And it’s not the creation of the Palestine, but the destruction of Israel.
The outcome of the chronic conflicts, for example, in the post-Soviet areas – in behalf of Russia – would be joyful. Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, Southern Ossetia would also have to be recognized as the independent states. In the context of Lithuania, the enemy powers are escalating the ideas of the Vilnius region autonomy, according to the model of Kosovo.
In the end it’s been marked the Palestinian state must be recognized because of the humanitarian stimulus. But the slogans of humanism are being used in EU as the utensil more and more. As the old and the new history show, old European countries tie humanity with pragmatism. Especially then they’re talking about the small states. Israel is not the exception. Thinking, that Palestinian-Israeli conflict, or precisely Israel itself, it’s the source of all conflicts with Muslims, is one of such examples, which do not have anything incoming with reality. For more than 60 years all the Arabian States are using the myth about “Israel’s guilt” in West. Western states were keeping silent and were economically cooperating with the Arabian States, now they have to think about the Arabian dictatorships, their own people are trying to overthrown. So now Western States have to understand that premature recognition of Palestine won’t evaporate the problem. As the history shows, Israeli and Palestinian conflict could be solved only during the bilateral negotiations, no other means are useful. What will be the position of Lithuania?