Susisiekite su manimi:
Arkadijus Vinokuras
Arkadijus Vinokuras - Užrašas
CV in English

Arkadijus Vinokuraswas born in 1952 in Lithuania.

A Swedish citizen sins 1980

Lithuanian citizen sins 2002

1990- 1993  The first military attaché of Lithuania. Served in the Lithuanian military forces.

2002 - Honored with Lithuanian citizenship for the promotion of Lithuania’s cause in the West (cultural and political activities) by the President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus

2003 - Awarded with the Sign of honor for the promotion of Lithuania’s membership in NATO by the President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus

2006 - Sugihara Foundation “Diplomats for Life ": Nominee for “Tolerance Man of the Year" award

2009 – 2011 Public adviser to the Prime Minister of Lithuania Mr. A. Kubilius – Responsible for the compensation and restitution of Jewish religious property

2010 - Awarded the medal for achievements in journalism by the Lithuanian journalist association

2015 -2016 A member of the Ethic and procedure commission - Lithuanian social democratic party



Actor, mime, and circus artist.

Teacher: theatre and movement.

Lecturer: nonverbal communication.


Foreign correspondent:

Freelance for the Swedish liberal daily “Expressen”, and, lrt

Journalist and publicist, columnist


Theatre Studies

1969-72 Mime/actor at Modris Tennyson Mime Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania.

A mime actor, actor, teacher

1972-1973 Moscow experimental Mime school

1974 Juozas Gruodis music conservatory

1976-1977 University of Stockholm (Swedish language for immigrants)

Creative and pedagogical activities in theatre. Teaching at:

1979 – 82 Stockholm Children Theatre, Sweden

1979 – 86 The art of Theatre and Mime at Stockholm University

1982 - Norway, the city of Bergen, Ballet School

1986 – 88 Denmark, Copenhagen Theatre School

1983 - Australia, Melbourne. Victorian College of Arts

1995 - Stockholm Theatre of Improvisation

1996 - Stockholm theatre actors and singers. Mime and movement

1995 - By the request of the Stockholm city consul, director of the first Swedish children's theatre summer camp.

Theatre director. Performances for adults, for children and with children 1976 - 2010

Lysistrata by Aristophanes, Per Gynt by Ibsen, Odysseus by Homeros, Midsummer nights dream by William Shakespeare,

Oliver Twist and David Copperfield by Dickens (choreography, the art of movement)

Shows and happenings created by myself for children and adults in theatres, streets, churches, conferences

Guest play 1978 – 2002

Sweden 20 seasons, Norway 8 seasons, Finland 1 season, Denmark 4 seasons, Russia 1 season, Estonia 1 season, Germany 2 seasons, Holland 2 seasons, France 6 seasons, Italy 2 seasons, Switzerland 1 season, Greace 2 seasons, Israel 1 season, Australia 1 season, Spain 3 seasons

1999-2023 Lithuania 24 seasons

Grants and diplomas

Sweden’s Culture grant

Stockholm city culture grant

Norway, Bergen city culture grant

Soviet Circus Diploma of Honour (1989)

Dagens Nyheter (Newspaper) diploma

Appearances in the theatres of Sweden

1989 - Swedish Royal Drama Theatre

Master and Margarita, directed by one of Russia’s most famous directors Jury Lubimov, Taganka theatre

1986-88 - Swedish Royal Opera

Magic flute, Julius Cesar, Rigoletto

1981-83 - Stockholm City Theatre “Vagner”

1981-84 - Amsterdam experimental theatre Milki Vej, modern dances in different modern dance groups


Appearances on Television 1986 -2001 -2023

Swedish National Television,

Italian television (Canale 5)

Spanish television

Russian television

CNN advertising for NOKIA

BBC advertising for NOKIA

German television advertising for NESTLE

Lithuanian National Television

Lithuanian TV 3 –Mr. Arcade show (2003/4). One of the most popular TV children's program - 170 TV shows

TV3 International situation show Thank God You’re Here! - a critic

Lithuanian BTV

Lithuanian LNK

Lithuanian Chanel 5

Info TV

Appearances in Lithuania

2002 – 2023 - Lithuanian schools (1000 schools throughout Lithuania with Arkadijus educational theatre: “Mr. Arcade show”, “A Little Match Girl”, “A shy Clown”,” “A Civil Society according to Mr. Arcade”

2002-2020 - All over Lithuania: Street shows, Shopping centers, City halls, libraries, the Wilna Gaon Jewish state museum, Litvak music and dance company “Fajerlah”

2018 July - October Ukraine

A project for Eastern Ukraine 'A smile against the War"

Theater as the tool in coping with the horrors of war for the teenagers“

Financed by the Lithuanian FM, EU and Germany.

Stanica Luhanskaja, Severodonetsk


2015 - Embassy of Sweden in Vilnius

2015 - Embassy of Austria in Vilnius

2013 – United Kingdom: Embassy of Lithuania, London, Lincoln, Boston

2013 - Embassy of France in Vilnius

2010 - Embassy of Denmark in Vilnius

2010 – Embassy of USA in Vilnius,

2010 – Embassy of Lithuania in the Netherlands, Haga

2009 - Embassy of Denmark in Vilnius

2006 - Embassy of Denmark in Vilnius

2005 - Embassy of Germany in Vilnius

2003, 2022 - Embassy of France in Vilnius

2002 - Embassy of Sweden in Vilnius

Circus/concert halls /amusement parks 1989 – 2004

1989 - Grand Circus of Moscow

1989-90 - Grand Circus Scott, Sweden

1990 - Circus Moira Orphey (Italy)

1994 – 1998 - Circus Skratt (Sweden)

1995 - Circus Dannebrog (Denmark)

1997 - Circus Arena (Denmark)

1999 – 2015 - Baltijos Cirkas, Lithuania

1998 – 2001 Concert halls in France: Nice, Clermont Ferrand, Lyon, Paris

1998, 2001, 2002, 2004 – Amusement parks in Norway: Kristiansandsdyrepark, Tusenfryd (Oslo)

Casino in Spain (Canary Islands Grand Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura 1995 – 2001)

Casino Palace Grand Canarias, - Spain

Casino Torrequebrada, Torremolinos -Spain.

Casino de Lyon, - France


Six bestselling books for children published in Lithuania - 1999-2013

Bestselling novel: “Embraced by Eros” – 2008

Refugees within the Context of multiculturalism – 2010

Bestseller - We did not Murder - 2017

A confession of the taxi driver called Christ -2020

Poems of Monday meetings 1990-1991 (2022)

Political activities

1971 - Arrested by the Soviet Lithuanian KGB for organizing an underground Baltic anti-Soviet youth organization

1972 - Kaunas city prison. The same year closer of the famous Modris Tennyson mime theatre

1973 - Arrested, condemned to a mental hospital, Kaunas

1974 - Arrested for helping SA soldiers to desert the army

1975 - Deported to Austria.

1975 – Moving to Israel.

1976 - Sweden

1979 - Representing Lithuanian of Sweden at the Lithuanian world conference in Germany

1988 - Vice-chairmen of the Swedish Baltic Helsinki Group

1991 - Organizing Lithuanian Information Centre in Stockholm. Later the IC becomes the Embassy of Lithuania

Journalist: theatre, literature art critic, political observer, columnist 1976- 2023

1990 -2004 Lithuanian National Radio and Television foreign correspondent.

Accreditation in Sweden 1976 –1986

Articles in American Lithuanian Press:

Draugas”. Editor and a poet Kazys Bradūnas

Ateitis”. Editor Kęstutis Trimakas.

"Pasaulio Lietuvis”

1986- 2008 articles about Lithuania in Sweden:

Svenska Dagbladet

Dagens Nyheter

Expressen 2010-2018, 2021, 2022

The Baltic Times (Sweden)

The Civil defense

The Swedish soldier

Uppsala Nya Tidning

News agencies:

1990 –93 Swedish News agencies TT. (Freelance)

1990 – 2022 Articles in the Lithuanian press

Lietuvos Rytas, Respublika,

Literatūra ir Menas, Moteris

Karys, Ieva,,,,, Atgimimas


1986-2004 Radio

Radio Lithuania

Radio Sweden, editor for Lithuanian-speaking foreign programs

Radio Free Europe /cooperation

Radio Vatican /cooperation

German radio/cooperation

Norwegian radio/cooperation

Swedish Television 1990 - 2001

Political commentator on Baltic countries' issues

International conferences

1991 - Bush/Gorbatjov, Moscow. (Swedish radio)

1991 - The Oslo Conference, Landsbergis, Havel, Eli Viesel (Soglasije)

1991 - A. Saudargas meeting with the King of Sweden (LNRTV)

1991 - V. Landsbergis meeting with B. Jeltsin Moscow, (LNRTV)

1992 - Helsinki CESE, (LNRTV)

1992 - Stockholm CESE, Stockholm, (LNRTV)

1993 - The Baltic See Conference, (LNRTV)

1997 - Helsinki Summit 97 Clinton (LNRTV)

1991-99 Journalist in Moscow, Oslo, Helsinki, Stockholm, London, Paris, Tel Aviv, Canary Islands for Lithuanian NRTV


1992 - 93 Documentaries (7) about Sweden’s social, cultural, and economic life, European Union (LNRTV)

Financed by The Swedish Institute, European Union, Swedish companies: ABB, Alfa Laval etc.

Military experiences

1978-79 Served in the Israeli army

1990 – 93 Special assistant to the minister of defense of Lithuania Audrius Butkevičius. Responsible for Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Great  Britain. (The first military attaché of Lithuania)

1998 – 2002 Sweden’s Home Guard Officers Combat School and Lithuanian home guard school

Honored with five Swedish and Lithuanian Army diplomas for assisting at batch., compch, pioneer and antitank courses.

Translator and interpreter (Lithuanian/Swedish) 1990 - 2002

Swedish and Lithuanian politicians

Swedish police, courts, costumes, army

Swedish Ministry of defense (personal)

Denmark’s home guard officers

SAS, Volvo

Swedish Television journalists

Teachers, psychologists, politicians, salesman

Lectures at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University 2001/2002

Non – verbal communication, body language, lecturing techniques and the art of presentation“ , „Non-verbal communication and foreign relations“

Lectures at law and information faculties, Vilnius University

ETK consulting company - Lithuania

SEB Bank, Lithuania

Omnitel, Bite, Teo – telephone companies in Lithuania


Lithuanian, Russian, German, English, Swedish

(understand Norwegian and Danish),

Spanish (studying), polish – simple, Hebrew - simple, Yiddish



Sweden’s theatre federation

International journalist association of Sweden

Lithuanian journalist union



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